Shopping for the Perfect Pair of Diamond Studd Earrings: Taking the Four C’s Seriously


If you are on the jewelry market for the best pair of diamond stud earrings, you need to consider a lot of things. Before you buy on a whim, walk through a mental checklist first. Surely, you can be tempted to take just any set you can find. However, if you do a bit of research and plan the purchase responsibly, you will end up investing in top-quality pieces that suit your price range. 

Choosing diamonds for solitaire diamond studs is different from picking a solitaire for engagement rings. Although you expect to get the best quality for your investment, you have a wiggle room when you shop for Atelier Lou earrings. Here are important considerations to keep in mind when buying diamond stud earrings:

Diamond Carat Weight

Some people mistake the carat weight for a stone’s size. But carat weight is the diamond’s metric weight, which is 200 milligrams. Although a bigger carat weight diamond’s value can dramatically increase, this increase does not occur independently. A 1.00-carat diamond can only make an impression if it has proper clarity, colour, and cut. 

Diamond Colour

Diamonds are available in a range of colour grades. Thus, even the slightest difference in colour can have a significant effect on their price and value. But colour is an area where you do not have much room for adjusting your priorities. The diamond’s facets will serve as tiny mirrors that reflect objects near it. When you inspect and compare diamonds, focus on how the facts may improve or impact the overall colour perception of the diamond stud. 

This insight allows you to consider your budget. In this case, saving some money is possible by choosing diamond earrings with a lower colour rating without compromising on the colour difference. 

Diamond Clarity

The tiny imperfections within the diamond determine its clarity. Also, a stone may have flaws on its surface. Such imperfections are due to the intense heat and pressure the diamond has to sustain while it is formed. 

Different factors determine and grade the clarity of diamonds. Grades are assigned following an assessment of the size, number, and location of flaws seen under 10x magnification. 

Diamond Cut

The diamond’s cut is a major priority when you are looking to invest in sparkling diamond stud earrings. The cut refers to the dimensions and proportion of the stone. Also, it looks into the diamond’s facets and its positioning impacts its brilliance, fire, and sparkle. The quality of a diamond earring’s cut determines most of its brilliance. With every precise cut, the ability of the diamond to reflect light through the stone is magnified.