Do Pansies Come Back Year After Year?


Flowers are not only beautiful but also contain a story behind each of them that makes it interesting to dive deep into their character as God’s creature that has several functions, for example as a gift for your beloved ones.

Among all those flower types out there, do you know pansy? Pansy is a flower that you might rarely see in real life because its popularity can’t beat other beautiful yet meaningful flowers, such as roses or lilies. However, this flower is named one of the spring charmers. Still new to knowing pansy’s facts? It’s normal to wonder whether it is annuals or perennials. Can you grow it all during the year, or is it only the short-term visitor for your garden? Here, we tell you the fact about whether pansies come back year after year.

What is Pansy?

There are a lot of flower species out there. Each flower has a different kind of specification and how they grow and are maintained. Talking about them won’t be boring especially if you’re into gardening and looking for what kind of flower type that is perfect to be planted.

This time, we would talk about a pansy flower, the one that is perfect to brighten your summer in many countries and regions. Pansy itself is a plant that is a member of the Viola family. It’s well-known for its appearance that consists of tiny petals, sparking several beautiful color shades, for example, yellow and violet.

This plant is adaptable to the heat where most it prefers daytime temperature at 60 F or 16 C and nighttime temperature around 40 F or 4 C, making it easy to be plant and maintain without doing a lot of effort.

Nowadays, many breeders that created different varieties of pansy. The latest version we can see today of this plant is the one that needs a full or part of sun location where it will grow beautifully. Pansy can be planted hanging in baskets, containers, or flower bed borders.

Facts About Pansy

The explanation above only gives you slight information. Do you interested in knowing more about this summer-friendly plant? Wait until you unveil some of the unique facts about pansies that you may have never heard before.

Not only beautiful in the eyes, but this perennial also can bloom in cold weather, leading them perfect to be planted in fall containers, garden beds, or being crafted as boxed flowers . As a member of Violas, it tends to have larger flowers and different shades of color. Here are a few fun facts regarding its gorgeousness.

  1. This flower represents love and remembrance

We all agree that each flower has meaning behind its look. For pansies, they represent love and affectionate thoughts. They are even being used in Shakespeare’s work, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, pointing to the true meaning behind this plant.

  1. It comes in three main basic patterns

As we mentioned above, this perennial sparks different shades of color, but mainly, it comes in three basic patterns or colors, often in yellow or blue. The pattern itself is well-known and has some black lines that radiate the center part of the petals.

  1. Some varieties contain scent, others don’t

Not only beautiful but pansy is also known for its pleasant fragrance, making it perfect for the early morning and at dusk. Some varieties seem to have the strongest scent, for example, the plant that comes in yellow and blue color. Meanwhile, other varieties do not contain any fragrance.

  1. You can eat it!

Do you ever imagine eating flowers? Well, the truth is, you can consume pansies. These little beauties are edible which means it’s safe to eat them. So, it’s not strange to see them become the final touches in cake decorating and cocktail garnishes. Moreover, they are high in vitamin A and C.

  1. February is where it born

Like a human, a pansy also has a specific month of born. Those born in February are free to claim this little blossom as their birth flower as the pansy born in this month of Valentine. Interesting, right?

Will pansies come back year after year?

After unveiling some facts regarding this species, do you plan to grow it in your garden as it is perfect for completing your house garden? If so, there are several points that you need to know about this little beauty.

The question of whether the pansies come back after they die has been seen everywhere for those who have no idea about their growth. First, the answer is yes. Having a little tolerance for freeze, most of the petals will die in sustained winters. However, don’t worry because in areas that contain moderate temperatures, they will come back again, mainly in spring.

However, the reappearance of them is not happening without reason. To ensure this perennial comes back next year as you wish, you need to mulch them to protect the roots.

Most varieties are suitable for the Agriculture zone in the United States or Pacific Northwest where they often come back the next year, providing year after year of color.

Where can I get pansy as a gift?

A pansy is not only perfect to be planted at any temperature since it will come back year after year, but they are also good enough to be crafted as a gift for your beloved one. Yup, it’s recommended to give a flower bouquet that contains pansies.

Do you have no idea where to get it? Don’t worry because Flower Advisor Singapore provides varieties of flower-inspired gifts for your romantic occasions as the pansy itself reflects the love and affection meaning. The good thing is, they also provide delivery all over Singapore to make sure your purchase arrives quickly without having to go outside. It’s perfect for those who are facing heavy circumstances.