Buying Guide: What you need to know about men’s wigs


Human hair wigs for men are a popular trend nowadays. They provide a more natural look and are more comfortable and durable than a synthetic wig. Human hair wigs for men also come in a variety of styles and colors, from long to short, with different textures and lengths. Some styles can be styled into a traditional full head of hair, while others can be styled into dreads or braids.

Hair Systems and Wigs for Men

Why are wigs for men so popular? The main and natural reason is that it helps men conceal or cover their baldness and give them a full head of hair. Because of this, wigs and toupees for men have become an increasingly popular solution for men dealing with male pattern baldness or hair loss in general.

Industrial or Artisanal Men’s Wigs – What Should You Pay Attention To?

These are the two types of men’s wigs that are available in the market. Each type has its own set of benefits and drawbacks.

Industrial Men’s Wigs: These wigs are made from synthetic fibers that feel smooth and look natural. They can be easily styled to suit your needs.

Artisanal Men’s Wigs: These types of wigs are made from natural fibers like horse hair, yak hair, or human hair. They have a coarse texture and look more authentic than an industrial wig. However, the most popular of these are human hair wigs as that’s what most men require to achieve the natural and realistic look they desire.

What is a wig for men, and what advantages does it have?

Men’s wigs have been used to cover baldness and hide thinning hair for centuries. However, the benefits of wearing a wig may go beyond what you can see. Other than providing wearers with a full head of hair again, wigs and men’s toupees can also provide psychological benefits, such as lowering your stress levels and increasing your self-esteem, which will give you confidence in your day-to-day life. After all, hair loss can be an extremely stressful and demoralizing thing to deal with. Many hair system wearers have noted how they got their lives back once they started wearing one and the same can happen to you!

How much does a men’s wig cost?

The price of a men’s wig can vary depending on the material and style. The average price for a men’s wig or toupee is $200-$400 with wigs being more expensive than toupees as they are full cap and contain more hair. The cost also depends on the size, length and color of the wig in addition to whether it’s using human hair or synthetic hair. Human hair is naturally more expensive.

You should now be well aware about men’s hair systems and hopefully, have the information you need to make your first purchase.

Interested in learning more about toupees and wigs for men? Browse through our website at (US & International) or (CAN)

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